Welcome to the Bucks Hockey Club.
What's New
- 2022/23
- Standings
- 7 Ties
- 11 Blue wins
- 8 White wins
- Captains, Rick and Don.
- Bucks Cup - We tied the first 2 periods but those White bastards pulled out the win in the third.
Roger Retires
Roger retired from Buck's hockey in 2008.
His pre-game phrase Alright you bums was drilled into our memory for 26 (or so) years...
A Brief History
The Bucks Hockey Club started as the Canadian Commercial Bank (CCB) Bucks in approximately 1982. They have occupied the 8:30 time slot at the Argyll Place Arena since 1984 when the arena was built.
The Bucks Founding Fathers, Brennan Stewart, Don Odell, Roger Pogue and Tracy Barker assembled a group of players that were interested in a bit of weekly exercise, participating in the great Canadian pastime of hockey. From the onset the style of play was branded as Gentlemens Hockey and was played without referees, encouraging sportsmanship and comradery.
Through the years some players have retired and the tempo of play has slowed as the legs have matured but the Tuesday night ritual that is Buck's Hockey continues.